Begun in 1963 in Agoura, near Malibu, to create "living history" for school children and their families, the Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire has grown into an annual interactive playground and gallery for over 200,000 participants and guests. It has given birth to an industry nationwide and this year is more fun and exciting than ever.
Fast Facts
Where is it? 15501 E. Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA
When did it start? 1962
When does it usually run? April to May for 3 weeks
Artisans & Entertainers (116)
Categories: Artisans, Clothing, Hair and Hats
Poxy Boggards
Categories: Entertainers, Music
Pure Incense & Oils
Categories: Artisans, Specialty, Tobacco and Incense
Categories: Entertainers, Music
Red Rabbit Miniatures
Categories: Artisans, House and Home, Fine Art
Categories: Artisans, Specialty, Metalwork, Weaponry and Armor
Schulps Pottery
Categories: Artisans, House and Home, Sculpture and Pottery
Seraphim Arabesque Ensemble
Categories: Entertainers, Dance
Sev’s Wood Crafts
Categories: Artisans, Specialty, Woodwork
SilverLeaf Costumes
Categories: Artisans, Clothing, Costumes and Clothwork
Sky Kings Falconry
Categories: Entertainers, Exhibition
Soothsayer Share
Categories: Artisans, Services, Astrology and Tarot
Spice Trader Teas
Categories: Artisans, Food and Beverage
Sportive Tricks
Categories: Entertainers, Music
Stickbow Archery
Categories: Artisans, Specialty, Weaponry and Armor
Story Pirates
Categories: Entertainers, Comedy
Supernova the Strongwoman
Categories: Entertainers, Skilled performance
Tea and Strumpets
Categories: Entertainers, Music
The Accidental Acrobats
Categories: Entertainers, Comedy, Skilled performance
The Artofactory
Categories: Artisans, Clothing, Jewelry
The Briton Ensemble
Categories: Entertainers, Music
The Clan Tynker
Categories: Entertainers, Skilled performance
The Clove & Hive
Categories: Artisans, Food and Beverage, House and Home
The Ded Bob Sho
Categories: Entertainers, Comedy