Romp through Elizabethan England, immerse yourself in an olde world adventure set in a beautifully wooded Camp Richardson. Rub elbows with nobility, pirates, barbarians and beautiful ladies. Take on thrilling shows featuring juggling, music, comedic storytelling and feats of incredible physical skills. This year's Valhalla Renaissance Faire will feature four stages of continuous entertainment, action-packed shows, music, dancing, jesters, 800 costumed actors in streets, Shakespearean vignettes, expertly staged battles, storytelling for children and adults, archery tournaments and much more. Shop over 100 merchants selling a wide array of arts and crafts, one of a kind jewelry items, woodcrafts, artwork, ceramics, clothing, historic weapons, and leather goods. - This is a place to be! Fun & excitement for the whole family!
Fast Facts
Where is it? 1900 Jameson Beach Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA
When did it start? 1993
When does it usually run? June for 2 weeks
Artisans & Entertainers (0)
We don't know of any artisans or entertainers at this festival yet. If you perform or sell here, or work for the festival and can provide us more info, please contact us. We greatly apprecaite it!