
Promoting the work of artisans and entertainers in the renaissance festival community.


A comprehensive list of artisans and entertainers from national renaissance festivals.

Festival Guide

Info on national renaissance festivals, including the artisans and entertainers who typically attend.

Ren Fest at Home

Ideas and resources to host your own at-home renaissance festivals.


RenFest.org is just one group trying to support the Renaissance Festival community. We encourage you to explore these sites, subscribe to streams and episodes, and support them and/or the artisans & entertainers they’re uplifting.

Gwendolyn Home Shopping Network

Gwendolyn’s Home Shopping Network

Gwendolyn of The Gwendolyn Show has a series of streams highlighting Renaissance Festival artisans. If you miss walking around a festival and seeing expertly hand made products, Gwendolyn’s here for you.

RESCU Foundation

The RESCU Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established to promote and maintain the health and medical well-being of the participants of Renaissance Faires and other events.

Digital Ren Faire

The Digital Ren Faire’s goals are to bring the renaissance faire to the virtual world by producing high quality content that faire-lovers can view from their homes and to support the livelihood of professionals on the renaissance festival circuit by providing a digital platform.

Festivals Happening Now

Upcoming Festivals

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Want to be listed on this site, or need help getting online?